
Policy Review Meeting with the European Commission

The SUSFANS team met with a committee of 10 officials from the European Commission services for a mid-term “policy review”. This is a new instrument in the Research Executive Agency, meant to promote dialogue between H2020 projects and the EC policy community. Participants came from various policy departments, including DG Research & Innovation, Agriculture & […]


Why consumers prefer both health and sustainability information – and why it should be done in a specific way

Consumers prefer combined information on health and sustainability benefits over only health or sustainability information. In addition, more specific information on health and sustainability is preferred over general information. This is the main outcome of SUSFANS‘ Deliverable D2.3 in which results of an online choice experiment conducted in The Netherlands, France and Czech Republic are […]


What do European consumers think about sustainable food?

What do European consumers think about the sustainability of their own food behavior? What are their perceptions of sustainability? Can we measure determinants of sustainable food behavior or find similarities across European countries? Identifying determinants is important. With that knowledge, we can anticipate which behavior consumers are willing to change under which conditions, and translate […]