
Developing a fish module for an economic agricultural sector model

Being the fastest growing food producing sector, aquaculture has the potential to provide high quality protein sources and meet increasing future food demand. However, the raising concerns over competition for land – direct and through feed competition – and sustainability as well as restrictive regulations may limit the expansion of aquaculture. We are working on […]


The role of seafood in healthy and sustainable diets

The role of seafood in healthy and sustainable diets is complex. It is the most traded food commodity, has vastly different environmental sustainability, is essential in countries with undernourishment but being exported to developed countries where it is being promoted as a healthy and environmentally sound choice. In a public report due in September we […]


Firms’ strategic reactions to nutritional policies: Understand and derive a set of optimal policies

Cardiovascular diseases and cancer constitute almost two-thirds of diseases in industrial countries. A large number of these (chronic) diseases are due to lifestyle-related risk factors, among them poor dietary habits such as excessive intakes of salt, carbohydrates, and fats, in addition to insufficient intakes of fruits and vegetables. According to the World Health Organization, preventing […]


Healthy and sustainable diets from a consumer perspective

The overall aim of Work Package 7 is to define “SHARP diets” for European (EU) consumers based on individual-level data. Such diets are environmentally Sustainable, Healthy (nutritionally adequate), Affordable (accessible yet also supporting the EU agri-food sector), Reliable (safe and stable in their supply), and Preferable (consistent with cultural norms and preferences).

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Saving lifes through food reformulation

A new paper co-authored by SUSFANS project member Louis George-Solar (INRA) will be published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The article deals with the „assessment of the potential health impacts of food reformulation“. Policies focused on food quality are intended to facilitate healthy choices by consumers, even those who are not fully informed […]


1st Stakeholder Core Group Workshop

This first workshop will introduce the SUSFANS project with a special focus on the Work Package 1 ‘Conceptual framework and food and nutrition security (FNS) sustainability metrics’ and the Work Package 6 ‘Stakeholder interaction and scenario review’.