SUSFANS Final Workshop: Achieving sustainable food systems in the EU

SUSFANS research and stakeholder community presented results and reflected on its metrics, drivers and models work of the past four years. Background information The SUSFANS project has started in April 2015, and will be completed on 31 March 2019. A loyal stakeholder group of 30 organisations has been participating in four consecutive SUSFANS workshops. This […]

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Quantified future challenges to sustainable food and nutrition security in the EU

The aim of this paper is to provide a forward looking assessment of the baseline and alternative contextual scenarios in terms of their impacts on the sustainability of European Union’s food and nutrition security. Our approach, on the one hand, allows to identify the future challenges and opportunities for the EU agro-food sector, and on […]


State of play in the SUSFANS project

An 11-page summary of the scientific progress made in the second reporting period of the project (October 2016 – March 2018). Written by SUSFANS projct head Thom Achterbosch. May 2018.


State of play in the SUSFANS project

An 11-page summary of the scientific progress made in the second reporting period of the project (October 2016 – March 2018). Written by SUSFANS projct head Thom Achterbosch. May 2018.


Policy Review Meeting with the European Commission

The SUSFANS team met with a committee of 10 officials from the European Commission services for a mid-term “policy review”. This is a new instrument in the Research Executive Agency, meant to promote dialogue between H2020 projects and the EC policy community. Participants came from various policy departments, including DG Research & Innovation, Agriculture & […]