
1st Stakeholder Core Group Workshop

This first workshop will introduce the SUSFANS project with a special focus on the Work Package 1 ‘Conceptual framework and food and nutrition security (FNS) sustainability metrics’ and the Work Package 6 ‘Stakeholder interaction and scenario review’.

This first workshop will introduce the SUSFANS project with a special focus on the Work Package 1 ‘Conceptual framework and food and nutrition security (FNS) sustainability metrics’ and the Work Package 6 ‘Stakeholder interaction and scenario review’.

During 4 parallel working groups, experts will actively review, help refine and provide feedback on:

  • the SUSFANS Conceptual Framework that serves as an overall project guide;
  • a set of metrics to assess the overall sustainability of the food system, balanced across the range of world views on the assessment of the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainable food;
  • case studies that will include a) proteins from livestock-fish supply chains and b) micronutrients from fruits and vegetables supply chains;
  • existing explorative scenarios, so as to identify their most salient features for exploring sustainable diets and food systems in the EU, within a global context of food security and climate change.

The next steps to be addressed during the 3 upcoming workshops will be explained during this first SCG workshop.

Please note: Participation in the workshop is on invitation only. The workshop agenda is preliminary, a final agenda and participant list will follow.


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